Property Academy
- 3 days
- 40+ Hours
- 60+ Crew
- 360 Attendees
- 20+ Presenters
As you can imagine from those statistics this Property Academy is an intense 3-day event that is not for the faint-hearted.
The presenters at the event included people such as Tony Christianson, Eric Rush, David Leon, Matthew Gilligan, Phil Jones and Ron Hoy Fong and many many more.
Do you think that everyone - myself included - may have learned a thing or 2 last weekend?!?
Absolutley we did!!
I could go on-and-on about this event. This is the very same Property Academy that I attended about 18months ago in May 2005. Here are a few things that people who have just come away from this highly educational event have had to say...
"WOW WOW WOW...what an amaizing weekend, thanks HEAPS every one. Without exception the most amaizing event I have ever been to. I have never been locked in a room with so many positive up up up people it was a mind blower!. To those who have doubts about doing the next one DO IT! I was very hesatant particularly about the cost, now having done it I have no hesitation in strongly recommending you do it. Its worth every penny. I have read more than ten property books in the last month before doing the accadamy and went alone thinking this would just be a belt an braces check that I had it all right and I learnt HEAPS. Met lots of amaizing people who I will stay in touch with and I know will become good friends. You also get introduced to a whole team of people to put your team together with people who are experts doing it, it is worth the event investment in your self for this alone. "
"Outstanding event - well done to everyone that was involved in running it. Congrats to those that attended. Make sure that u now take ACTION to follow up on what u learnt."
"Hmmm, I have to admit that prior to the Academy my expectations were probably unrealistically high. Well, I can honestly say that the Academy exceeded even my expectations. When I got back home people asked 'was it worth it'. To me now the price doesn't really come in to it, the value I got out of it dwarfs any monetary price associated with it. Thanks guys.
Some highlights of the weekend for me were:
Tony Christansen: what an incredible individual
Phil Jones: speaking passionately about investing, psychology of money, taking action. How his son Jack is enrolled in a public school (as opposed to private), doing this to teach him his own independence etc. very commendable
Dean Leftus: Another incredible individualEric rush: Intertwining his rugby stories with life lessons about opportunity, he is an excellent public speaker.
Well, it's all for nothing if no action is taken, better get back to it.
"I'd like to reply and explain the multitude of ways that I've learnt and grown. But I can't. I'm too busy getting stuck in... Thanks everyone who was there "
If you would like to learn more about this event. Click here or send me an email
If you just can't wait until May 2007 for the next Academy...Click here and get yourself a FREE Real Estate Investing Pack valued at $249 that will give you something fantastic information between now and then!
Adam Baird, Over and Out.
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