Wednesday, November 29, 2006

stepUP Foundation

I have a passion for motivating, inspiring and assisting young people to achieve their dreams and goals. I always go out of my way to help a young person where I can. I am a strong believer, along with many others, that our schooling curriculum needs to be modified so that it gives young people all the opportunity they deserve and does not ever say no, can’t or don’t.

Over the past 12 months I have been toying with the idea of creating an education/mentoring program for young people. I have been brainstorming what I want the program to consist of and how it will work.

Yesterday I learned about the stepUP Foundation.

“The first intention of stepUP Foundation is to educate and excite teenagers about the possibilities for their futures in business and in life and to deliver on key outcomes of creating empowerment, self worth, inspiration, renewed strength, tools, strategies and fun.

The second intention of stepUP Foundation is for any adults associated with stepUP such as Foundation Members, Volunteers, Coaches, Speakers, even Suppliers and Sponsors to have breakthroughs in their own lives, create new opportunities for themselves or their businesses, learn new skills, establish new relationships and discover new possibilities professionally and personally.

Lastly, the final and fundamental intention of stepUP Foundation is to contribute to world peace. One person at a time. We do that by having Teens – who are our future leaders (the ones who will determine our future as a nation and a planet, our economic stability, world peace and more in the years to come) realize that someone from different circumstances than their own is really not so different after all, and their job, after having their own lives work, is to make a difference out there.”

Magic! This is exactly what I am looking for. This foundation is very similar to the vision I have had for the past year. I guess the breakfast presentation was an “In the right place and the right time” opportunity.

stepUP run a 2-day event for teenagers and have high-profile and very successful presenters. These presenters tell their success story and are promoting:

“If it’s possible for me, it’s possible for you, it’s just a matter of how”

I have learned a lot about having a higher purpose and creating success for yourself and others. Having a passion and sharing that success with those people. I am going to be helping out both financially and with my time at the next New Zealand stepUP event.

My goal is to become a speaker at these events and help the stepUP Foundation achieve their goal of becoming a $100M Foundation operating on all 7 continents by the year 2013.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Options On Property

I now have an excellent understanding of the different options strategies that are available for me to use.

I got my education --> HERE

Optioning property has many different uses and outcomes.

The most popular option strategy is called a 'Lease Option'

This is a strategy that is designed to be a win/win option for an investor who is looking for increased cash flow and a person who is looking to buy their own home but has no way of ever being able to afford the deposit. Home ownership is becoming increasingly harder to attain for the first home buyer making this an extremely attractive alternative. A lease-option is a combination real estate rental, sales and finance technique. It is a property lease for a fixed time period, such as 12, 24 or 36 months, with an option for the tenant to buy the property at an agreed option price at the end of the lease term.

The rental charged under the lease is slightly above market rates and unlike a normal residential tenancy the tenant pays for all the repairs and outgoings. The difference between the market rent and the higher amount charged is called an option consideration and is deducted from the purchase price of the option when taken up.

The tenant has the option to purchase the property at a future date for an agreed future price. An initial fee is charged for this option which is then deducted from the purchase price (along with the option consideration paid as part of the rental) when the option is taken up.

Buyers like lease-options because little up-front cash is required. Sellers also like lease-options because they provide necessary cash flow to pay the mortgage from a tenant who has a vested interest in treating the property well and who is likely to buy it.

Advantages for Sellers

Strong Demand From Prospective Buyers
Top Dollar Option Price
Top Quality Tenants
Above-Market Rent
Seller Keeps the Tax Deductions
No Realestate Agent Fees
No Property Management Fees

Advantages for Buyers

Small Amount of Up-Front Cash Required
Monthly Rent Credit Builds a Down Payment
Try Out the Property Before Buying
Control Property With Very Little Cash
Longer Terms Mean Greater Profitability

They Start Living In Their Own Home Rightaway

They Are Protected Under The Residential Tenancies Act

Friday, November 03, 2006

Devils Run

Next year a very special event is going to happen across New Zealand.

The very first Devils Run.

The Devils Run is a cannonball type car race from Auckland to Queenstown from Tuesday the 27th of February till Friday the 2nd of March.

Full details are available on the website above.

A colleague and I intend to enter a car and we are offering limited amounts of advertising space on the vehicle to a few lucky sponsors.
The event is bound to attract a huge amount of interest with 50+ super cars racing down the country.

A documentary film crew will be following the event and all the news channels have shown interest in the event.

The vehicle we will be driving is a Porsche 911 Turbo and is very hard to miss.

We are looking to pick up 4 sponsors to each provide $2,500, These will be the only sponsors I will advertise on the vehicle.
I can assure you I will be interviewed during the course of the event if only by the local police.

If you are interested in helping me make this happen drop me an email at

Why should you sponsor me?
- Your logo will be spilt all over the Porsche.
- I write a blog which is viewed by literally 1000's of people which I will be using to promote you.
- My website will be updated with information and link to our sponsors.
- 50+ Supercars travelling through many New Zealand towns and cities WILL get a lot of interest!



Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Property Academy

During the weekend (28, 29 and 30 October) I had an Amazing time at a very special 3-day Property Academy. The Property Academy goes something like this...

  • 3 days
  • 40+ Hours
  • 60+ Crew
  • 360 Attendees
  • 20+ Presenters

As you can imagine from those statistics this Property Academy is an intense 3-day event that is not for the faint-hearted.

The presenters at the event included people such as Tony Christianson, Eric Rush, David Leon, Matthew Gilligan, Phil Jones and Ron Hoy Fong and many many more.

Do you think that everyone - myself included - may have learned a thing or 2 last weekend?!?

Absolutley we did!!

I could go on-and-on about this event. This is the very same Property Academy that I attended about 18months ago in May 2005. Here are a few things that people who have just come away from this highly educational event have had to say...

"WOW WOW WOW...what an amaizing weekend, thanks HEAPS every one. Without exception the most amaizing event I have ever been to. I have never been locked in a room with so many positive up up up people it was a mind blower!. To those who have doubts about doing the next one DO IT! I was very hesatant particularly about the cost, now having done it I have no hesitation in strongly recommending you do it. Its worth every penny. I have read more than ten property books in the last month before doing the accadamy and went alone thinking this would just be a belt an braces check that I had it all right and I learnt HEAPS. Met lots of amaizing people who I will stay in touch with and I know will become good friends. You also get introduced to a whole team of people to put your team together with people who are experts doing it, it is worth the event investment in your self for this alone. "

"Outstanding event - well done to everyone that was involved in running it. Congrats to those that attended. Make sure that u now take ACTION to follow up on what u learnt."


"Hmmm, I have to admit that prior to the Academy my expectations were probably unrealistically high. Well, I can honestly say that the Academy exceeded even my expectations. When I got back home people asked 'was it worth it'. To me now the price doesn't really come in to it, the value I got out of it dwarfs any monetary price associated with it. Thanks guys.

Some highlights of the weekend for me were:

Tony Christansen: what an incredible individual

Phil Jones: speaking passionately about investing, psychology of money, taking action. How his son Jack is enrolled in a public school (as opposed to private), doing this to teach him his own independence etc. very commendable

Dean Leftus: Another incredible individualEric rush: Intertwining his rugby stories with life lessons about opportunity, he is an excellent public speaker.

Well, it's all for nothing if no action is taken, better get back to it.


"I'd like to reply and explain the multitude of ways that I've learnt and grown. But I can't. I'm too busy getting stuck in... Thanks everyone who was there "

If you would like to learn more about this event. Click here or send me an email

If you just can't wait until May 2007 for the next Academy...Click here and get yourself a FREE Real Estate Investing Pack valued at $249 that will give you something fantastic information between now and then!

Adam Baird, Over and Out.